Pay Dashboard - A part of Experian Pay Dashboard
We support businesses and payroll providers of all sizes

Our clients

Our clients

Over 20,000 UK businesses deliver their payslips via PayDashboard, including:

Kickstarting our digital journey

"Our staff have commented on how useful they have found PayDashboard – especially the tax code tool which has already yielded refunds to them from the taxman. For me the best thing about PayDashboard has been the time it has freed up, which helps me to increase my productivity"

Saxon Weald
Alex Gunter, Assistant Director for Transformation

Payday is simpler with PayDashboard

"Our payroll bureau moved our payslips on to PayDashboard as part of a service upgrade, and we're really happy with the change. Having all our pay data including P60s in one place is really helpful - it has reduced the number of queries we get from employees and made the whole process around payday much simpler for everyone."

Kevin Healy, Director

It's so much more than just a payslip

"We were looking for a digital payslip solution for our payroll clients and were really impressed by the email notifications and employee financial education offered by PayDashboard. These two aspects really set PayDashboard apart for us, as well as the user-friendly interface and ease of use compared to other epayslip systems."

EA Assist
Paul Woods ATT ACIPP, Employment Tax Manager

Our staff love the mobile access

"Our staff love being able to access their payslips on their phones as well as their computers, and really like the fact that they get an email notification that their payslip is ready to view. I would certainly recommend PayDashboard to other companies."

Salvos Restaurant
Paul Smith, General Manager

I found out I had overpaid tax

"I've never checked my tax code before. Then I got an alert from PayDashboard telling me that I might be on an emergency tax code, and pointing me to a helpful article about it. Checked with HMRC and I was on the wrong tax code for my circumstances and was owed over £3000 in overpaid tax. I would never have realised this if my employer hadn't switched to PayDashboard."


Safe and secure

ISO 27001 certified, with all data encrypted following industry best practices

Online 24/7 with mobile access

Access reports and payslips anywhere from your desktop or mobile device.

Simple monthly fee

Tiered pricing plans offer cost effective options for companies of all sizes.